Monday, October 11, 2010


I called the doctor to get the results of my p.e.t scan today and everything is A-Ok! I am good to go until my next appointment, which is in December. Very relieving to say the least!

Last night I went to Scarlet & Gray Cafe in Columbus to watch Terrapin Moon play. Every Sunday this place has what they call "Grateful Dead End" (I think its called this) and they schedule Grateful Dead Tribute Bands to play for the evening. Last night was T-Moon and it was a good time! Maybe too good, though? I have spent a lot of time today thinking about last night and hoping I didn't say or do anything overly stupid!

I went and visited my aunt today and met her German Shephherd, Tiki. Tiki is a real sweetie and wanted to come home with me. :) She is a small German Shepherd and very timid. Not a great watch dog, but a great companion. :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pumpkin painting

On Saturday my brother's family came over for the evening and brought my sister in law's twin nieces with them. Having 4 kids under the age of eight over, certainly brings many smiles! My 8 yr. old nephew has the Justin Beiber hair thing going on, which fits him well. My 5 yr. old nephew is very passive and quiet and isn't bothered by anything. The 6 yr old twins are identical, but I honestly have no clue who is who. I call them both sweetie so I don't let it be known I can't tell them apart. :)

We started off the night by painting faces on pumpkins. I'm not sure what happened, but the paint on the faces didn't stick AT ALL! It was like colored water that just ran down the pumpkin fronts... :( Cheap paint? Too much water on the brushes? Regardless, it was a visual nightmare, but the kids didn't seem to mind. :)

After that we made quesadillas in the quesadilla maker, which were yummy! Lastly, us adults just yacked it up while the kids played the playstation and watched a movie. It was a good time!