Today I took Lady to the vet because her EXCESSIVE scratching has caused a large open sore on her back! She got two shots of steroids and antobiotics and two prescriptions of antobiotics and steroids that will last her a month! Ugh! I love my baby girl and will do whatever it takes to keep her healthy and happy, but she is a costly one. :( The doctor suggested laser therapy to cure the scratching which I have never heard of before. It will cost $40 a session and she would need 11 sessions....I got some literature on it and will decide what to do.
Yesterday I orientated a nursing assistant who will be doing some mornings for me. She seems nice, but having people start fresh makes me frickin mental. I think if everybody was as smart as myself the world would be better off...I'm Kidding!! I guess I'm saying this... I think I have common sense, I'd like to think so anyway. Well, when I have somebody working for me I want them to possess common sense, too! If they don't I find myself feeling frustrated easier and getting overwhelmed because I have to spell things out from A to Z and its exhausting! So...I hope it works out, but I have my doubts because of past experiences.
Tomorrow are the services and funeral for Bob. I am burning cds of the last gig Bob played in with his other band (Half Dead) so his friends and family can have a copy. Music and playing in a band was his life!!!
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