Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ready for Spring!!

Its only January 15th and I'm already sick of the cold and this fluffy white stuff! I so wish I had the means to go to Florida every winter like my grandpa used to do every winter! He would spend his summers in Canada, his Winters in Florida and would be in Ohio for two-three weeks out of the year to visit his family.

When my gramps first moved to Canada for the summers, he owned two cabins, one was a two man cabin and the other was a four man cabin. He eventually decided to build a home, which was a project to big for him alone so he hired indians to help him get the materials he needed and to help him build his little abode. :) The land he owned was in a very desolute area and the only means of transportation was by boat, as he lived two miles down the river from the marina. The supplies to build his home were carried down the river on a yacht, which was the biggest, but not the only hurdle he had to jump through. :) He was building the back of his home on the side of a hill and the front was being supported by "stilts" and a set of stairs on each side of the house. It ended up being a beautiful home that he cherished until the time he passed away. I went twice with my parents when I was younger and have to say it was hard to enjoy myself. My grandpa was a grumpy man and lacked patience with people, especially kids. :) Anyway...yea where was I? Oh yea...I wish I could escape the winters in Ohio by going to Florida!!

If you got this far, thank you! Have a great weekend!

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