Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Family left this morning

The 5 day visit with Steve's parents flew by as it always does, but it was a great time and the weather was super. :) We cooked out a couple times, shopped for graduation gifts at the mall, planted flowers and painted a couple rooms as I mentioned in my previous post. :)

My niece's graduation was especially nice. She is so bubbly, outgoing and outrageously (that spelling don't look right??) fun and I wonder who she inherited it from. Nobody in the Fox or Welborn family have her spunk. Maybe its not something that is inherited, but is developed as you grow up. Regardless.... :)

I just read that the prisons are extremely overpopulated in California and because of this, there is talk of bringing flogging to the U.S as a form of punishment! There is controversy that this is barbaric, but it would be up to the criminal what form of punishment he/she wants. 1 yr or 10 flogs for instance. Yowzers! I wouldn't want either and that is why I try to walk (ok, not literally) a straight line and not get in trouble with the law! Maybe if consequences for people's actions were a little harsher, maybe the crime rates would go down.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Family is here!

Steve's parents arrived Wednesday night and will be here until Tuesday morning. They always help us tremendously when they are here and have all kinds of projects to do. I wish Steve would have inherited their energy. :) Today they helped Steve paint the kitchen and tomorrow they are painting the laundry room and family room. Our kitchen has had an apple theme since we moved in in 2003, but I decided to do away with all my apple decor and not have a theme. Instead I will keep the color neutral, get new curtains tomorrow and maybe get a shelf or corner cabinet to dress it up. :)

While I was outside today basking in the beautiful sun, my dogs wandered a few feet away and took turns rolling in something in the grass. Steve hollered at them to stop because 80% of the time they roll in something yucky, it results in the smell following them in the house. I decided to google the words Why do dogs roll in smelly things? This is what I learned. Dogs have instinctive roots that lead from the wolf. When a wolf (or dog) rolls in a dead animal carcass it's to show it's pack, look what I have found. They think of the carcass as its prize. Its also believed that they will roll in carcass or another animals feces to mask their own smell and enable them to sneak up on their prey without detection. Hmmmmmm

Monday, May 23, 2011

The world is ending?

I usually ignore claims about the world ending because it seems far fetched and unpredictable, but I'm beginning to second guess myself and not sure I should be ignoring these claims! I'm not saying I'm going to get my affairs in order, but...

Look at the weather. It doesn't rain, it pours and pours and pours until it floods! People's homes and vehicles are buried under water while they're paddling a canoe down a river that used to be a street the day before. Our seasons are running together. Tornadoes. Tsunamis. Earthquakes. Hurricanes. These "natural" disasters are killing millions of people and I shouldn't assume I'm exempt from these disasters. Just 45 minutes ago I was in a position where I thought I needed to find shelter because a tornado was spotted 3 miles from here. I don't have a basement, I can't get in a bath tub, so I would have parked myself in the hallway and prayed hard that I would be spared! Thankfully it didn't come our way, but it was quite the heart stopper to say the least. Yikes!

On Sunday I am going to my niece's high school graduation. I'm excited and sad at the same time. Excited because I get to witness and be a part of her celebrating one (of many) of the most important accomplishments of her life. Sad because 4 weeks after that, she will be leaving for South Carolina to begin her 10 week stent of basic training so she can be a soldier in the army. I'm proud of her mature decision to join the military, especially at this time when our country is in the condition it is in, but for selfish reasons I don't want her to go. I will miss her so much!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fun with friends

Last night I spent my evening with a group of girls I graduated high school with at BW3's and had a fabulous time! There ended up being 11 of us all together. I was feeling a little uneasy at first because most of the girls had not seen me since my injury and I was nervous how they would be around me. I didn't know if they would feel uncomfortable, if they would avoid conversation, avoid eye contact etc. Well, those fears were put to rest immediately and the night was more fun than I have had in quite awhile!! We have agreed to get together more frequently (every two months) because we had so much fun and still have much more to catch up on. :)

Today I met a friend for lunch who used to work for me. She was my nurse for a few years, but had to quit because another job offer came along that she couldn't turn down because it was more hours. We had fun catching up. We are still close and keep up with each other via facebook. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello, hope my readers are having a great day! I on the other hand am not having such a good day. I can't pinpoint what exactly is wrong but something's just not right. Oh well hopefully the day will improve. :-)

I had my annual review yesterday so that I could continue to receive nursing services and it went okay. They always ask the same questions every year and every year I answer the same questions the same. Who is your Physician? What medications do you take? Do you have problems with your heart? Do you have swelling anywhere? How is your mood? Do you fly off the handle? The last two questions always get me. This year the questions were asked differently. I am usually asked if I have depression or have suicidal tendencies. I told her my mood was happy, but she still asked me if I ever flew off the handle. I told her I try not to fly off the handle, but sometimes it does happen. It makes me wonder, does she know that I lose it sometimes? Has she heard something? Anyway...

I learned how to make phone calls from my computer and it's free! I opened A G mail account a couple weeks ago and it has a button to make telephone calls. I had not had a chance to make any calls until today and now I'm ready to cancel my phone for home. The quality is very good and again it's free! Oh did I mention it's free?

I'm still looking for another job. I have tried to apply for the same company three times this week and something keeps happening on the online application process. Today I got to the last step and then I got an error message and was directed to step one. I'm taking a break from it and will go back later. I was about to fly off the handle like I sometimes do. :-)

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm going to be glued to the television watching the Casey Anthony trial. This week Judge Perry has been selecting the members of the jury. Each potential juror is being interviewed by the judge and we get to hear the questions and their answers. We just cannot see their faces. Many of the people that he is interviewing say they will experience financial hardship if they were to be gone for eight weeks. Many people have said they have animals and cannot leave them alone. Some have said they have plans to go on a trip. A Few have even admitted they have already have formed an opinion and think she is guilty. I am in that boat. I think she is guilty!

All right I think I will go now. I need to go to Wal-Mart. Have a great day!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Momma's day!

I returned home around 11:00 this morning from our big girls slumber party and happy to say it was a good time. :) There were a couple instances where I thought there was going to be a little scrapping going on because of conflict of opinions, but thankfully it didn't escalate to that and it was settled in a way where we could move on to another subject calmly without holding a grudge.

On that note having a difference in opinion is very natural and if two people are able to discuss it rationally and agree to disagree, good for them. It's the people who are so close minded and who refuse to look outside their "my opinion is right, your's is twisted" box that make me crazy pissed!! I think the person I'm referring to is angry in her own life, so she feels better when she is ridiculing me (and those around her) about our opinions if they differ from hers. Anyway...I'm being vague and there is a reason. Its a blog and its public. :)

Buddy rolled in shit like most dogs do for whatever reason and is now laying beside me not phased by my dry heaving and F bombs! I certainly inherited my mom's gag reflex! I hope Steve will give him a bath tonight. My nurse assistant offered, but getting him in the tub is a two person job. She is preggers and I don't want her tackling his pungent ass. Maybe Steve and her could tackle him together?? We shall see.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Hump Day

Happy Wednesday! Its the middle of the week, which means our big girl slumber party is just around the corner. :) On Saturday evening I am getting together with three friends and pulling an all nighter which I haven't done in years. Its okay, I will nap all day Saturday. We are getting together around 7pm and meeting at Maria's house where the festivities will begin. Will update the happenings after the weekend. :)

Tomorrow I have an appointment to get a doppler done on my legs. A doppler is an ultrasound that checks for blood clots. I'm prone to clots because of not being active and having poor circulation, plus I've had swelling and a blackish/purply hue going on in my feet and ankles for a very long time, so this will determine if a clot is causing my ankles to be cankles. :) Wish me luck!

Yesterday I met my aunt at the fairgrounds where she takes her mastiff (Jonah) to obedience training. Before we even got situated two dogs were ready to kick jonah's butt and all he did was look at them. He wasn't feeling the love of being in doggy class after those incidents and he seemed more content taking a nap behind us where he wasn't being bothered. :) There was a border collie in training with 3 legs, he was missing his right front leg. There was also a blonde colored doberman who had an albino look to him. He had red around his eyes and nose and some red areas in his fur. The owner told me he (the dog) had to wear goggles in the summer because of sun burn. Poor doggy probably don't like wearing goggles! :(

Well, have a great evening!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Today I have been updating my resume by adding to it some of my achievements from past positions in hopes to land me another job. While doing so it made me remember the times my dad would toot my horn so loud because he was so proud of me and wasn't shy about letting others know.

After my dad's funeral services, we had a get together at the amvets in Vandalia where he was a member. When I rolled in, a man I didn't know said, "I have heard a lot about you. Your dad talked about you all the time. He said you were always on the top callers list for your job and how proud he is of you" This touched me deeply (and still does) because dad didn't stop at just me when he said "good job Cindy" he went on and told others. It warms my heart and reminds me of the spectacular relationship we shared and how fortunate I was to have had the closeness with my dad that I did! Unfortunately the relationship with my mom was at the opposite end of the spectrum and was not healed before she passed away.