Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello, hope my readers are having a great day! I on the other hand am not having such a good day. I can't pinpoint what exactly is wrong but something's just not right. Oh well hopefully the day will improve. :-)

I had my annual review yesterday so that I could continue to receive nursing services and it went okay. They always ask the same questions every year and every year I answer the same questions the same. Who is your Physician? What medications do you take? Do you have problems with your heart? Do you have swelling anywhere? How is your mood? Do you fly off the handle? The last two questions always get me. This year the questions were asked differently. I am usually asked if I have depression or have suicidal tendencies. I told her my mood was happy, but she still asked me if I ever flew off the handle. I told her I try not to fly off the handle, but sometimes it does happen. It makes me wonder, does she know that I lose it sometimes? Has she heard something? Anyway...

I learned how to make phone calls from my computer and it's free! I opened A G mail account a couple weeks ago and it has a button to make telephone calls. I had not had a chance to make any calls until today and now I'm ready to cancel my phone for home. The quality is very good and again it's free! Oh did I mention it's free?

I'm still looking for another job. I have tried to apply for the same company three times this week and something keeps happening on the online application process. Today I got to the last step and then I got an error message and was directed to step one. I'm taking a break from it and will go back later. I was about to fly off the handle like I sometimes do. :-)

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm going to be glued to the television watching the Casey Anthony trial. This week Judge Perry has been selecting the members of the jury. Each potential juror is being interviewed by the judge and we get to hear the questions and their answers. We just cannot see their faces. Many of the people that he is interviewing say they will experience financial hardship if they were to be gone for eight weeks. Many people have said they have animals and cannot leave them alone. Some have said they have plans to go on a trip. A Few have even admitted they have already have formed an opinion and think she is guilty. I am in that boat. I think she is guilty!

All right I think I will go now. I need to go to Wal-Mart. Have a great day!

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