Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy July 4th weekend!!

I hope everybody has a nice holiday weekend!! I think I'm sticking around here unless we go to a party/music fest today. We were invited by one of the band members and I heard the guy having the "party" is the veterinarian I take my babies too. Can you say weird? The vet isn't weird, the idea of me going to a party and seeing him there is weird for me. This vet is pretty cool. The first couple times I took Lady, he seemed really matter of fact with no bedside manner whatsoever, but he eventually grew on me.

Last fall I went in there because my neighbor's 3 legged cat was in my front yard and appeared severely malnourished! This kitty needed help he/she was not getting at home. Okay, I need to back up and start from the beginning. Take a moment to get coffee or go potty. I will wait!

You back? :) Okay, this kitty, who I will call Lucky, came to my house and was sitting in the middle of my yard for a reason. This was another example of strays knowing which house they can come to and get help!! (In case you are confused, I'm referring to my post about animals). When my nurse assistant and I walked out the front door we both noticed Lucky immediately as he lay on his belly in the front yard not moving, just meowing! His meow was raspy and weak....upon us getting closer Lucky hobbled to us and began rubbing against my footplate. His eyes were cloudy, he was skinny, his mouth was swollen and something foul was oozing from his mouth. I decided to take him home and let his owner know he stumbled upon us and if they were looking for him, the search is over! In my opinion the kitty was in the condition it was in for a reason and that was pure neglect on their part. We drove Lucky to his home, my nurse assistant opened the van door, Lucky got out and they went to the door. Unfortunately nobody answered and Lucky jumped in the van! I'm serious, he wanted to go with us. We didn't know what to do but we both knew if Lucky didn't go with us he would be dead within days!

We then took him to Krogers and bought him a can of moist cat food and gave him some water, which he devoured even with the ulcer like sore in his mouth. We went back in, did the grocery shopping and when we came out to the van he was contently sleeping on the bench seat. We decided he needed to see a vet about his mouth. We took him to a vet across town and that was a waste of time and a waste of $89.00. She was an unprofessional bitch.... She continuously curled her nose up at the smell being omitted from his mouth (like he could help it) and she would not listen to what I was telling her. She gave him a shot of antibiotics and sent us on our way.

The next day he was worse! He would not eat, was very lethargic and not responding to our touch, our voices, nothing! We took him to the same vet I take my babies to and he said the cat was in bad shape! He would not give it an iv for dehydaration without doing blood work first because he felt this poor guy was sick with feline leukemia.

I then was faced with the decision to either spend more money on my neighbors cat who probably wasn't going to make it or put the kitty down and possibly face prosecution...I had a f&*king meltdown as this beautiful sick kitty layed lifeless on the table. The vet eventually helped me make the decision by confirming how sick Lucky was, how neglected he was and him making a recovery was nearly impossible. I then decided to have him put down, have him creamated and have his ashes spread in a park like setting where other animals ashes were spread. I felt doing it this way would give Lucky a better after life than his life here and now. He was a special kitty! :)

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