Saturday, September 24, 2011

Funny bone

Tonight my bf and I are going to a comedy club in Dayton called The Funny Bone. The comedian Kevin Nealon will be there, hence the reason we are going. :) He plays in the Showtime hit Weeds as Doug Wilson, which is one of my bf's favorite shows. :) I like the show as well, but got really far behind and have yet to catch up. Anyway....

My bf has been feeling lousy the last couple days and I'm beginning to worry. He is getting sharp pains in his stomach after he eats, which is causing him to not want to eat. Today he is eating jello only, which is about the equivalent of water....not exactly healthy! He has never eaten well. He drinks soda all day, eats fast food, loves sweets, will not eat fruits or vegetables, etc. I try to have home made meals prepared so he will eat less fast food, but he is a picky eater and will not try anything new! I wonder if his bad food habits are catching up with him.

He won't go to the doctor, he won't go to the emergency room. It's a lost cause trying to help him. Now I'm frustrated! I don't know how to help somebody who doesn't want to help themself!! My hands are tied. Part of me wants to say, "Steve if you feel this bad and are having this much pain, go to the E.R. If not, shut up and quit complaining!"  I know that sounds cruel, but my mental state is whacked out thinking he could be dieing and he won't address the issue!

My bf battles with bouts of depression. I guess he has his whole life. Last year it got so bad I feared I would come home and find him dead! I am no doctor, but a big part of me wonders if his poor eating habits and not going to a doctor are results of his depression? He isn't happy, he doesn't like himself, so maybe that is why he doesn't eat well or take care of himself? I often wish I could crawl in his head and see what is going on. I want to read his mind because I never know what he is thinking.

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