Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog day, etc...

Hi there! The week is finally winding down and for me personally, I am ready for it to be in the past. It's been a little busy and stressful to say the least, but with some rest and relaxation I will be good to go. :)

So the groundhog seeing his shadow is a big disappointment! Any way you slice it though, whether Puxsatawney Phil sees his shadow or not, we will still have 6 more weeks of winter no matter what!! :) It has been a mild winter so far and I hope it continues, but something tells me it won't. :)

Last night I ran in to my neighbor at Krogers and she began telling me a little bit of gossip. Unfortunately, its not the juicy type of gossip that keeps us at the end of our seat. :) It's much more serious! She said the elderly couple who live across the street and who also rely on nursing assistants three times a day to get up and around were scammed out of money by the individuals who they were paying to take care of them! They racked up a credit card bill of $15,000! There were two nursing assistants in on it and they have been indicted and go to court soon! There is an elder law in Ohio that will hopefully cause these girls to get a stiffer sentence.