Monday, August 19, 2013

Attractions Part 2

Hello! My last post was left off with a dot dot dot (....) so today I will talk about part 2 of attractions. :)

I think it's unfortunate we live in a world where people can't be who they are without the fear of being judged and/or discriminated against by others. If people are homosexual and hide behind a persona of someone who is heterosexual, then they aren't being true to themselves or to those around them.

I often hear that gay people come out of the womb being gay and it's not something you acquire later in life. I have heard that persons attracted to persons with a disability (devotees) realize they have the attraction at a young age when they see someone in a wheelchair, or see an amputee, etc. Regardless of when or how the attraction takes place, I believe that everybody deserves happiness and should be able to have an attraction/relationship with whoever they want without being scrutinized! Unfortunately, it's not the way it is right now.

I was very good friends with a guy who was gay. Our parents bowled together, we went to high school together and we spent many weekend nights drinking and partying. Shoot, my sister went to prom with him. Now I'm laughing out loud reminiscing about us double dating on prom night! That is a whole new post!! Anyway...I never knew he was gay despite the fact he was very flamboyant!! When he first told me we were driving to Psychology Class and I about wrecked my truck! He didn't come out in high school because of the back lash he would have received. :(

When I first got the internet while in the nursing home I was introduced to devotees. (Again, persons attracted to those with a disability). I had never heard of this before, but when I did I felt relief. I felt like maybe I would find someone who will not only accept me and my disability, but maybe someone actually who prefers me with a disability. Looking back that logic is very twisted. I was so afraid I would never find love again, that the term devotee was very inviting! I was and still am a girl that needs to have a relationship, I need someone!

To be continued....

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