Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Relationship hiccups & Saying good bye to summer

Hello! I hope you had a great weekend! This weekend was a nonchalant one for me, but I'm not complaining. :) On Sunday I watched the Eagles/San Diego game, read from an online book called, "Pride and Prejudice" and applied for a job. On Saturday I stayed home and did some things on my computer and Friday night my boyfriend and I got in a big tiff. It's actually still in the air as we have not spoken five words since! I'm not proud of it! I have done a lot of thinking about it and not sure what to do. We both said some awful things to each other and it opened my eyes! I know we aren't  happy together like we once were! We probably stick together because it's easier. It's more convenient. We have a house. We have animals. The thing we don't have is happiness! Oh we also don't communicate! Pft!!! He had a Dr's appointment today about his blood work results. I asked what the doctor said and he said, "Not much" and kept watching the television. He didn't even look at me.

The thought of being single again and starting a new relationship makes me cringe. I won't put the cart in front of the horse just yet, but I do need to start having dialogue with him. I need to see where he wants this relationship to go or if he even wants in it anymore... Anyway....tick tock tick tock

It was a sad hour today as my nursing assistant & I packed up most of my summer outfits and tucked them away in a big plastic tote. :( I now have my sweaters out and ready to face another Ohio Winter. :) Not really, but what can I do about it?? :)

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