Those who know me know what an animal lover I am and how animal abuse affects me. When I hear a story on the news about abuse, I obsess over it for weeks and cry to the point those around me don't know what to say because I'm not very consolable. I know it's dumb to obsess so much over something that is in the past and I have no control over, but I just don't know how to NOT have the emotions.
I was talking to one of my assistants last week and she was telling me about a family member's Chihuahua and how bad it gets beaten when it pees on the floor. She also said that one time it got beaten to the point blood was coming out of its ear. I was quiet because I was fighting back emotions and when it was obvious I couldn't hide them, I told her how I felt about this person's so called discipline technique. I cannot comprehend how adults can be aware of abuse going on and not do something to make it stop. I wish she would not have told me this for obvious reasons!! Now I'm one of those adults who is aware and not doing something to make it stop.
Ohio sucks when it comes to animal abuse laws!!!!
That is so sad! Any new updates on that situation?