Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday night

Hello! :) Today I am spending much of my day filling out job applications. I need to find something!!! I received an email from the lady scheduling interviews for the receptionist position I previously mentioned. She wanted some times I can interview this Wednesday. I sent her four times I can interview Wednesday, but haven't yet been told what time my interview will be conducted. I hope to hear back from her Monday, but will go ahead and fill out applications because I could very easily not get this job! I found this job on a website and have seen where MANY people want this job and are going through the interview, so I'm expecting to NOT be one that gets in. I'm not being negative, just realistic. :)

I have poison ivy (or something) that is not going away. It started out on the back of my neck, then it spread to the back and top of my right shoulder, then to the back of my right leg, then on my face around my nose and left eye. Now my forehead, cheeks and chin feel itchy and inflamed...driving me crazy! I have been using a hydrocortisone cream to cure the itch, but I think I need something more!!

My brother, his wife and their boys came and hung out with me tonight. We made taco pie which was delicious and just caught up. The boys were playing on my boyfriend's keyboard acting like rock stars. :) They were singing, waving their arms and pretending like they were entertaining thousands. :)