Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More about myself

Those who know me know what a huge animal lover I am. As I have already mentioned I have two dogs, but if I had the room, the money and the means I would have many more! Its not just dogs I go ga ga over, its any animal. That is one of the many things I miss now that I'm a quadriplegic. I miss holding and petting the wonderful furry friends in my life!
Because of my passion for animals, when I hear stories of animal abuse, I really take it to heart. I cannot understand why or how any human being in there right mind would intentionally hurt an animal. Animals are so innocent.
The latest story of animal abuse that has me consumed and obsessing over is the brutal beating and killing of the 3 month old baby alpaca here in Ohio, named Masterpiece. Three people (I'm sorry, I mean sick monsters) are being charged. Two teen boys who are 17 and a 22 year old who is mother of a 2 yr old and a wife who's husband is in the military and deployed. (Newspaper stated) Hmmmmm....her husband is serving our country while she is taking part in killing an innocent baby alpaca with two 17 yr olds boys and god only knows where her child was while she was doing this!!
I heard the boys are being kept locked up behind bars because of death threats. I have no sympathy. They also could be charged as adults, which is what I hope happens. Today they went to court and were ordered to get psych evaluations and will go back to court again May 7. I'm so not happy about that!
My bf and I really don't see eye to eye on this at all. He thinks I'm too involved (ok, obsessed) emotionally and need to let it go. He says the legal system will deal with it in a just way and the media should step aside. I feel the opposite. I think the more people who express there anger and anguish over these assholes disgusting actions, the better!
Okay, on that note please go to the website link on my blog and vote for house bill 55. HB55 is to stiffen up animal cruelty laws in Ohio. Right now animal cruelty in Ohio (for house pets) is a misdemeanor. If you go to the link called Masterpiece, the baby alpaca, you can vote for house bill 55 there and read the devastating story about Masterpiece.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A little about myself

In 1992 (on June 21) I was in a car wreck that left me a quadriplegic from the neck down. I was 22 years old.

After the wreck I spent 3 months at a hospital in Dayton. Six weeks of that time was in the rehab unit where I received vigorous physical therapy and occupational therapy to help me work with the parts of my body I didn't lose function of. For me it was operating a computer with shoulder shrugs and turning pages of a book with a stick in my mouth, etc.

After the hospital stay I went to live in a nursing home in Springfield. That was the closest nursing home that accepted patients on ventilaters. I was there from 1992-2002, just under 10 years. I don't recommend anybody go live in a nursing home unless they have exhausted all other options, but it wasn't all bad. I met some wonderful people there, some whom I have remained very close to!!! :)

Since then I have had surgery to have a diaphragmatic pacer implanted so I can breathe with that instead of a ventilater and have had my trache removed. :)

I get up in my wheelchair everyday and get range of motion to my arms, hands and fingers as well. Every evening I get transferred to a standing frame which allows me to stand in an upright position while stretching my ankles, back and legs which is beneficial for oodles of reasons. I try to stand for two hours while I watch tv or a movie.

Well, that is all for now. Have a great night!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hi, my name is Cynthia. I usually go by Cindy, but either works for me. :)

I live in Ohio and have lived here all my life. I live with my boyfriend, Steve and we have been together for around 9 years. He moved to Ohio from Delaware in 2002. We don't have children, but we do have two dogs, Buddy and Lady who are like our children and we love them unconditionally! Buddy (our alpha dog) is a 7 yr. old black lab and Lady is a 4 yr. old border collie. I also have a betta fish named Nugget who keeps me company while I'm on my computer. :)

I have a twin sister (no, we don't know what one another are thinking and feeling) and a brother who is 8 years younger than my twin and I. My sister has two children, my niece who is 17 and my nephew who is 15. My brother has two sons, my nephews, who are 7 and 5. I love spending time with my Niece and Nephews...they bring fun and entertainment when they are around.

Steve has one sister and one brother, both who live on the east coast. Steve's sister has 4 children who range from ages 12, 11, 10 and 8. The kids come to Ohio every summer with Steve's Mom and its always nice to visit with them. :) We wished they lived closer so we could spend more time with them, but Steve does get to Delaware once or twice a year to visit, also.

Well, I will end here. I will be back in the next couple days to write more.