Monday, January 23, 2012

War Horse and schedule changes

Hi there! My Aunt and I went and saw War Horse today. It was a great movie and I highly recommend it. Bring will need them.:) Anywway...

I have had a fear of horses for as long as I can remember! They are so huge and intimidating to me. I have a friend who has four horses and I have gotten somewhat close to them (literally not emotionally) and have made some progress as far as my fear. I guess they are just like extra extra extra large dogs... :) I like horses don't get me wrong, I just need to work on trusting them and not be intimidated by their size! :)

I learned the other day that one of my nursing assistants wants one of her days off. She wants to go back to school to get her LPN license. This means its time for me to add another nursing assistant to my case. I don't like training new people and it always brings me great anxiety having someone new, having to talk them through every step of my routine, relying on them to be here and on time, blah blah blah! :) It wears me out! But, I do know I need to add someone else, I have for a long time. So, this has given me the push I need to get that in the works. Wish me luck! :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

HP part 2, etc.

In my previous post I mentioned relying on my happy place too much and how it wasn't healthy for me. I have come to realize I need to work hard and change the things that cause me grief and unhappiness! When I feel unhappy with myself and the way my life is headed, I find myself getting intolerant and short off with the people around me. I don't want to be that person people have to tip toe around or dread coming in contact with because I might blow my top. LOL..I don't think I'm that bad, but some days I feel like I could be! :)
If I sound like I'm unhappy and miserable, I'm actually not. There are just a handful of things in my life that have room for improvement. :)

Tomorrow my aunt and I are meeting up to watch a movie. We have agrred on War Horse! I'm sure this is a movie that will require a box of tissues! I will report back to let you know what I think! :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy place

We all have bad days and we all deal with our bad days differently. Myself, when I'm having a bad day I  tackle it by mentally removing whatever it is causing me grief and replacing it with my "happy place." A happy place can be the ocean, it could be the mall, it could be your furry companion, it could be your significant other, it could be someone special, it can be whatever or whoever you want... it's YOUR happy place. :)

I have resorted to my "happy place" many many many times and it always makes me smile. It's not always when I'm having a bad day of course, but when I am, my "happy place" has been my god send. It's like a yummy gooey chocolate  chip cookie w/out the calories!! :)

On the downside I would probably be distraught if something happened to my HP!! Am I relying on HP too much?? Probably!

More to come...

Friday, January 13, 2012

T.G.I.F the 13th! :)

Hello and Happy Friday, the 13th! :) Here in Ohio it's really cold, windy and we have a tiny layer of the fluffy white stuff covering the ground. Even though its not much, it's enough to keep me inside and away from the elements. :) I say that as if there are people lined up at my door ready to take me out clubbin' but because of the blistering cold, they won't be blessed with my presence, unfortunately. Ha!

On that note, I might go out tomorrow night! It's really up in the air, though. Steve has a gig with Skeleton Crew in Dayton and I don't know if it's even wheelchair accessible. As much as I enjoy listening to live music and being with people, it's always a late night waiting around while the band tears down the equipment and loads it up. I like to be tucked away and in siesta mode by midnight. :) My nursing assistant is working late tomorrow so maybe her and I will go listen to the band, maybe we will go do our own thing or maybe I will stay home? Hmmmm...decisions decisions

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Friday

Hello! Happy Friday! I will be glad when today/tonight is over and the weekend will officially be here. :)

This afternoon I had a doctor's appointment and well, those doctor's appointments can take up a large chunk of the day! Today was interesting, to say the least. The waiting room was pretty crowded, but I managed to find a little hole to park myself in where I wouldn't be in anybody's way or blocking a path to and from the door.

Soon after I found that comfy spot, the room began filling up and my little hole began to shrink. Pft! I couldn't wait to get out of there! I was hungry and McDonald's was calling my name. As I sat there uncomfortably, a young girl approached me. I guess her to be around 10 or 11. She waved and said hi. I smiled and said hi back. She then pointed at the square box on my chair, the one that "houses" the power buttons, it shows which gear I'm in, shows how much battery charge is left, etc. Well, I gave her a short simple version and she told me how cool it is. :) She then pointed to my chin control and asked what it was. Again I gave her the simple version and hoped her interview was wrapping up. :) No, unfortunately it wasn't. She then wanted to know if Steve was my son. I smiled (not amused though) and said No, he isn't. Steve loved this and I am pretty sure that comment will have him fueled up for a very long time.

The girl was sweet and really didn't bother me, but the questions in a crowded room was a little awkward, even though they were rather innocent.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year and RIP Mama!

Hello and Happy New Year! :) I hope you had a nice New Years Eve! My evening was spent at home enjoying the company of Steve, my aunt, Dave (bass player for Terrapin Moon) and of course my furkids Buddy and Lady. :) My aunt and I spent most of the evening cooking, eating, watching youtube videos, drinking beer and talking. :) I'm not really in to making resolutions, but if I were I would probably say my resolutions would be to...
  1. Get a job.
  2. Get organized
  3. Eat more healthy
  4. Stop dropping F bombs
Today I'm feeling discouraged and sad! :( When I feel this way I don't have the desire to be motivated, or pick myself up, or to eat carrot sticks or say phooey! Maybe tomorrow will be a better day? I hope so!! We will see...

My Mama has been gone 12 years today! I miss you and love you! I know we had our moments, but I hope you somehow someway know how much I miss you and think of you!