Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dependency sucks at times!

I am not one to dwell on the fact I'm a quadriplegic and need to depend on others, but at times the dependency takes its toll. First off, I have a handful of paid nurses and nursing assistants who come in everyday and help me with the things I need. These people are like my family. They have been with me for a long time and for the most part we get along great and things couldn't be better!

This week has been a different story, though! I've had a person call off their shift twice this week, which were all day shifts and could not be fully covered by somebody else because of the manner it happened. I know things happen, people get sick, kids get sick, people over sleep, cars break down, etc, but on the other hand, there are things that aren't okay and I'm not sure how to proceed on these scenarios. I've been going back and forth in my head what I need and want to do, but at times my frustration at situations like this can cause me to be irrational and in turn clouds my judgment.

I will say that I am fortunate to have a great group of peeps working for me and the incidents this week are few and far between, thank goodness! :)

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