Thursday, October 3, 2013

Not so power wheelchair, Autumn, Employment?

Hello! :) As I type away, updating my blog I'm sitting in a power chair that is broken down and not serving it's purpose!! It's allowing me to sit up so I'm not in bed, which is a good thing... I'm stuck in one place and unable to move around, that's the bad thing. I operate my wheelchair with a chin control and it seems after just a couple months of use, the control conks out and doesn't operate correctly. I can move backwards and to the right and left, but not forward. I have a call in to the wheelchair company. They are trying to expedite everything so I can get a new control without waiting for insurance coverage, etc. Wish me luck! :)

Today my nursing assistant and I decorated the front porch. We gave it an autumn theme complete with pumpkins, gourds, a bale of straw, corn shock and a small broom made from corn husk. I usually don't invest the time or money on Halloween or the fall season, but this year I found a way to do it cheap. A farmer down the street has a large stand at the end of his drive way. It's full of produce, mums and items used to decorate (Straw, brooms) that are much cheaper than what you pay in the store. :)

Employment. What to say?? The position that I interviewed for last week is still in limbo. I haven't heard back. In order for me to move forward with this company, my vocational rehab counselor needed to let them know she supports my employment. I'm not certain why the need for a rehab counselor exactly, but she did let them know she supports my employment.

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