Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Friday!!

Hello. Well another week has gone by and its Friday already. This summer seems to be going by very fast, unfortunately. Anyway, I won't wish it away. :-) Tomorrow night my nursing assistant and I are going to the Peace Thru Music Fest outside of Columbus to listen to skeleton Crew play. Hopefully the weather will be as beautiful as it is today. :-)

Lady, my border collie, went to the groomer's for the first time ever today. We decided to get her professionally groomed because of her constant scratching. She didn't have fleas, so I thought maybe she had a lot of dander, dry skin or maybe it was an allergic reaction to something. Well, we dropped her off around 10:00 this morning and picked her back up around 4:00 this afternoon. I was so excited to see her and even felt gitty on the way to pick her up because she has never been away for the day and I missed her. Well, when she got in the car and oh my god she was PISSED! She ignored everything we said and acted like she could take us or leave us. She was just a little snot! That's OK, though. She smelled good. :-) And she hasn't scratched since we brought her home.

I received a disturbing phone call yesterday. It was about this job I have been talking about. When I got home from Chicago I had a message on my answering machine about training. I called the next day and was scheduled for the next training class to start July 26 for two weeks. I was ecstatic. Well, the company supplies their own computers to the agents, which are very generic. They are called thin clients. I was told on the phone yesterday that these generic computers do not have downloading capabilities. This means I will not be able to install my keyboard software, which means I have no way to type and cannot do the job. It seems like this is such a tiny hurdle to jump over, but there is no way around it. Should I look at this as one door closing and another opening? Maybe, but it's hard to be optimistic at this point. I was told I would be contacted to do the IRS position again, which is nice to know that I have something lined up as far as employment...I really need a permanent position though.

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