Monday, May 23, 2011

The world is ending?

I usually ignore claims about the world ending because it seems far fetched and unpredictable, but I'm beginning to second guess myself and not sure I should be ignoring these claims! I'm not saying I'm going to get my affairs in order, but...

Look at the weather. It doesn't rain, it pours and pours and pours until it floods! People's homes and vehicles are buried under water while they're paddling a canoe down a river that used to be a street the day before. Our seasons are running together. Tornadoes. Tsunamis. Earthquakes. Hurricanes. These "natural" disasters are killing millions of people and I shouldn't assume I'm exempt from these disasters. Just 45 minutes ago I was in a position where I thought I needed to find shelter because a tornado was spotted 3 miles from here. I don't have a basement, I can't get in a bath tub, so I would have parked myself in the hallway and prayed hard that I would be spared! Thankfully it didn't come our way, but it was quite the heart stopper to say the least. Yikes!

On Sunday I am going to my niece's high school graduation. I'm excited and sad at the same time. Excited because I get to witness and be a part of her celebrating one (of many) of the most important accomplishments of her life. Sad because 4 weeks after that, she will be leaving for South Carolina to begin her 10 week stent of basic training so she can be a soldier in the army. I'm proud of her mature decision to join the military, especially at this time when our country is in the condition it is in, but for selfish reasons I don't want her to go. I will miss her so much!

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