Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Saturday!! :) Today I'm getting some me time, which I don't get very often. I'm very low maintenance when it comes to keeping myself amused. All I need is some loud music and I'm a happy girl. :) I really want to dance like no one's watching, but because I can't,  I sing like no one's listening instead. :)

It makes me think about my sister and I in our younger years. Dancing and singing was what we did to cure boredom. We did some pretty stupid shit! We did things that I look back on and cannot believe we even survived. Our parents had a long reign on us.

I am going to the Fun. concert in two weeks and am super stoked. I have to find someone to take me though. If I don't find someone soon I will need to sell my tickets. :(

Tonight Heather and I might go see a movie, but it's not written in stone. I have a nagging urge to go drink a beer at the Filling Station. Decisions, decisions!


  1. Cindy, you are hilarious! When is the concert and what time? Hope you have a great day!

    1. The concert is at 7pm in Columbus. Want to go??
