Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hello! Well, I was finally able to get in my wheelchair today, the first time in 8 days. I only managed to sit upright for about 45 minutes before my blood pressure dropped and making me feel uncomfortable and causing me to lay back down. Later this afternoon though I got up in the standing frame which was fabulous for my achy back, ankles and hips! :) I think I will sleep better tonight. :)

My area is looking much better today! I still need to be cautious and not stay up too long at one time. That area is vulnerable as it is bony and not much meat on it. :)

I saw on the news that a family in Michigan have a pet deer and have had her since she was born 5 years ago. Her Momma died after giving birth to her in front of the family who has her now. The deer lives inside, lays on the couch, plays with the dogs and cats and wears a red bandana scarf around her neck. :) The neighbor's friend (asshole) called the authorities and now they are trying to take Bambi away. Ok, Lilly not Bambi. On one hand I understand that this pet is considered wild and could be dangerous, but on the other hand this has become a member of the family. Why is it ok to hunt and kill deer and then turn them in to jerky and burgers, but not okay to treat them humanely? It just seems so twisted! I'm not against the hunting of deer, don't get me wrong. I know there is an overpopulation of them which causes a large amount of accidents, so something has to be done. My heart goes out to the family and I'm routing for them!! Lilly the pet deer

Lets move to the Huber Heights family who had a pet alligator for 15 years. There was a video that showed the alligator getting mistreated so animal control has it now and they are moving it to Florida. I heard that because he lacked sunlight and lived in a pool in a basement, he was unhealthy and didn't grow. He was missing teeth and his nose was damaged. :( I hope he gets well and can survive! Pet alligator }

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