Sunday, August 25, 2013

Family, wheelchair, flooring

The weekend is winding down and so am I. :) I have not been feeling well and think it may be due to the antibiotics I have been on  to cure a urinary tract infection. I have been light headed, dizzy, tired and nauseous for days. The good news though, I think the infection is gone!!  :) I took my last antibiotic last night, so hopefully my ill feeling symptoms will subside.

Tomorrow the wheelchair guy is coming to hook me up with some new wheelchair parts. I am going to get new tires, new lateral supports and a new back cushion. Woot! :)

Steve's Mom and dad are visiting this week. They will arrive on Wednesday, stay through the 3 day holiday weekend and leave on Tuesday. I'm not certain what's on the agenda yet, but I think they will probably be outside doing odds and ends if the weather is nice. :) There was talk about putting down a new kitchen floor while they are here, but I don't think it will happen....

See, a month ago I was strolling through Menards and found myself in the flooring section. I saw pretty wood laminate flooring that was 50% off. I liked it so much that I went ahead and purchased enough that would fit the kitchen because the sale was over the following Sunday. That flooring has been held against me since day one. He doesn't like it and wants me to return it. Returning flooring that covers a 15'x15' area is no easy task for my nursing assistant. I think he is using this as an opportunity to disagree and be argumentative! Maybe choosing the flooring on my own was a bit selfish on my part, but I have lived with him long enough to know that if we go pick it out together, it's not going to happen anytime soon. Grrrr!

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