Sunday, August 11, 2013

Miami Valley Music Fest and Left Foot

Hi! :) This weekend was definitely a fun filled one. I spent Friday evening and all day Saturday at the Miami Valley Music Fest!! The MVMF is an annual event that is held to raise money for charity. It's held at the Eagles Campground  and thousands come out to camp and spend the weekend chillin', drinkin', dancin', singin' and god knows what else! :) Definitely a great time! The weather was perfect!! Terrapin Moon has performed there for the past 4 years and I hope they are invited back next year!

Today I watched a movie called "My Left Foot" and I highly recommend it. It's about a man with cerebral palsy who paints beautiful pictures with his foot. Not only that, but he grew up in a time that individuals with a disability were segregated and treated unfair. The movie makes me realize how having a disability now is much more "acceptable" than it was many years ago. Sometimes when I go out people come up to me and say "You're an inspiration" or "Good to see you out" or "Can I pray with you" etc. I usually respond with a thank you (or no, thank you regarding a prayer) and a smile, but I often wonder why people say the things they do. Maybe they have a loved one who has/had a disability in an era that persons with disabilities were segregated?

Here is the story  line..

Christy Brown is a spastic quadriplegic born to a large, poor Irish family. His mother, Mrs Brown, recognizes the intelligence and humanity in the lad everyone else regards as a vegetable. Eventually, Christy matures into a cantankerous writer who uses his only functional limb, his left foot, to write with. Written by Reid Gagle

Here is the link. My left foot

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